秋月 。。。15.9.13

你有多久没有庆祝中秋节了?马六甲爱化摩沙度假村(A’Famosa Resort) 将于九月十五日(星期天),七时许在牛仔城举办 皓明迎佳节,花好庆团圆庆典,寓意聚首一堂,邀你一同轻松欢庆佳节。今年我们特别邀请了一群乐龄人士与我们一同欢庆佳节。俗语说的好,家有一老,如有一宝。在这月圆人团圆的大好夜里,怎么能少了这一宝呢?所以爱化摩沙度假村牛仔城特从马六甲邀请了15位乐龄人士与我们一同庆中秋,一起团团圆圆吃个丰盛晚饭之余,还能享受度假村准备的一系列表演。爱化摩沙度假村牛仔城也将于今年的中秋节让来宾们大饱眼福,届时牛仔城挂满七彩缤纷的灯笼,穿插传统与潮流的各种灯笼将会形成一片闪耀的灯海,一颗一颗宛如星星般点缀着漆黑的星空,势必要来宾们有个难忘的中秋节。




大奖 : 现金RM800 + 1座奖杯+ 6张野生动物园门票 + 奖状

二奖: 现金 RM500 + 1座奖杯+ 4张野生动物园门票 + 奖状

三奖 : 现金RM300 + 1座奖杯+2张野生动物园门票 + 奖状

最创意奖:现金RM320+1座奖杯+2张野生动物园门票 + 奖状


大奖 : 现金RM300 + 1座奖杯+ 奖状

二奖: 现金 RM200  + 1座奖杯+ 奖状

三奖 : 现金RM150 + 1座奖杯+ 奖状



大奖 : 现金RM200 + 1座奖杯+1对摩摩和沙沙  + 奖状

二奖: 现金 RM150 + 1座奖杯 + 1对摩摩和沙沙  + 奖状

三奖 : 现金RM100 + 1座奖杯+ 1对摩摩和沙沙  + 奖状

最创意奖:现金RM120+1座奖杯+1对摩摩和沙沙   +奖状

欢迎全家大小在9月15号(星期天)一同前来牛仔城庆祝盛典。以每一位RM30享用中秋节特别晚餐, 其中RM5令吉将会捐献给老人院。在这佳节,乐善行施,积福积德。此外,在这皓明迎佳节,花好庆团圆的中秋夜里也会有各式各样不同的节目等着你们来参与,当中包括趣味十足的猜灯谜、有奖游戏与精彩绝伦的舞台表演等,更多的奖品和礼物等着您来赢取。所有来宾们也将获取大会特备的中秋礼物等。

中秋节,一个团圆的日子,一个大家都不能错过的节日,象征着余家欢乐的盛典。别再犹豫了,爱化摩沙度假村牛仔城正等着您们,快拨打06-5520 888 (Ext 88874),019-600 3517 或 电邮至event.int@afamosa.com 预知更多详情。

A’FAMOSA COWBOY TOWN Launched the “ 10th   – “ Lantern Making Competition in this coming 2013 Mid- Autumn Festival on 15th Sept ( Sunday)

While celebrating this popular harvest festival (Mid-autumn festival) , A’ Famosa Cowboy Town this year  along with its’ festival fundamental message of “ Gathering, Thanksgiving and Praying “ ,  will be inviting and hosting the Old folks home from Melaka & Tampin with a special buffet dinner in Cowboy Town, let the old folks celebrating the festival together with the young and old like their own family get together while praying to the  moon from the town with the brightly lit of the unique & creative  lantern.  Yes, on 15th Sept ( Sunday ) , at A’Famosa Cowboy Town , this is the town where it will be fully decorate with all the creative & beautiful MOON ( LANTERN),   where you can  have family & friends gathering or reunion; where you can offering your thanks giving food and drinks to the oldest at the same time pray to the moon for special wishes and satisfaction from the town itself.

If you have the “HIDDEN TALENT” of making the LANTERN , register & certify  yourself with our 10rd– Lantern Making Competition before the closing date on 10 Sept 2013 ( Tuesday ). Log on now to www.afamosa.com or www.facebook.com/afamosa.my  in order to download the form or you may call to 065520888 (Ext 88874) to inquire more details information.

This competition is being opened to the public for participations every year. However this time the fees is RM50 ( fees included the admission ticket) for ALL CATEGORTY  except RM20 for primary and secondary students or groups.

Hurry up ! Sign up now as they are many attractive prizes ( as per list below )  is waiting for you this time . Make sure you go for it this time so as  you will never regret.


1ST : CASH RM800 + Trophy + 6pcs SAFARI Ticket + Certificate

2ND : CASH RM500 + Trophy + 4pcs SAFARI Tickets+ Certificate

3rd : CASH RM300 + Trophy + 2pcs SAFARI Tickets + Certificate

Special “ Most Creative “ Prizes : CASH RM320 + Trophy + 2pcs SAFARI Tickets + Certificate


1ST : CASH RM300 + Trophy  + Certificate

2ND : CASH RM200 + Trophy + Certificate

3rd : CASH RM150 + Trophy +  Certificate

Special “ Most Creative “ Prizes : CASH RM180 + Trophy + Certificate


1ST : CASH RM200 + Trophy + 01 Pair of Momosasa + Certificate

2ND : CASH RM150 + Trophy + 01 Pair of Momosasa + Certificate

3rd : CASH RM100 + Trophy + 01 Pair of Momosasa  + Certificate

Special “ Most Creative “ Prizes : CASH RM120 + Trophy +01 Pair of Momosasa+ Certificate


A’ Famosa Cowboy town is NOW EVERYONE regardless age & race are invited to come and gather on 15th Sept (Sunday) for celebrating this popular festival. While gathering, you can also perform a small charity ( thanks giving)  when having dinner in the town.  From every RM30 per person for the special mid-autumn buffet dinner ,  RM5  will be allocated and  contributing to the old folks home.  Goodwill definitely will comes with good future as per individual wishes s ‘pray to the moon from the town on the night .   


Celebrities of Local TV Dramas  ~ “88 Kopitiam “ and “  We Are Young”  will be there waiting  to meet and celebrating together with ALL OF YOU on this up- coming MID –AUTUMN FESTIVAL in the town with the various & special stage performance on  15th Sept , Sunday night.  The night where essentially with a FULL MOON (full of Lantern Lights Lit Decoration )  and the night where EVERYONE NOW can enjoy the MOON CAKE  &  watch the MOON and sharing  the symbol of HARMONI and UNITY  as we go along with  our national theme of 1 Malaysia “ Mid Autum Festival Celebration.

Be with us on 15th Sept (Sunday) , the whole night from 7pm to 12pm,  bring along your lovely families and friends together with your best and talented made up lantern.

For more information, please feel free to contact 06 5520888( Ext : 88874)/019 6003517 or email to event.int@afamosa.com.

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